Endless space 2 wiki support modules
Endless space 2 wiki support modules

endless space 2 wiki support modules

It is mentioned that the Endless were divided into multiple factions, so they have a bit of all three tropes.Perhaps inverted into Benevolent Precursors for having ever created Dust in the first place (which is apparently a boon to all civilizations, even granting some races sapience, such as the Automatons).They were actually in the process of wiping them out when their civilization collapsed, so this may be Neglectful Precursors. Abusive Precursors: The Endless, to some extent, for creating the Cravers, who now (and then) just eat everything.The new introduction for them describes them as isolationist pacifists, who have no interest in harming anyone else unless they are forced to defend themselves. Now they collect Dust in an attempt to remain self-aware. They were barely sapient, living meager lives until an Endless Ship crashed into their planet and the Dust that was released made them fully self-aware. Their creators had all but destroyed their planet so their last action was to create the Automatons. Averted with the new Automaton faction.Their response was to keep going to different planets and doing the same thing as that is their goal. However there was a Giant civil war that wiped out the Endless. Is a Crapshoot: The Sowers are a race of biological machines designed by the Virtual faction of the Endless to terraform and colonize one planet. No one knows anything about him except he is the best negotiator ever and that he is awesome.

endless space 2 wiki support modules

The explanation is there is a random event in game that cause a 20 percent increase in trade route profits caused by one man. Endless Dungeon (TBA) - A Rogue-lite Tactical Action game.Endless Legend (2014) - A fantasy 4X set in the same universe as Endless Space.Dungeon of the Endless (2014) - A Rogue Like game which has you coordinating a team of crash-landed prisoners and/or prison guards trying to survive and escape from an underground network of Endless-built workshops and storerooms.Finally, there is a Random Event system to create some variety in gameplay. Suggestions are also being taken sometimes, such as a new faction and several new achievements (which include the name of the player who suggested them). Additionally, the developers are allowing the players to actually vote on which features will be included in future updates of the game. In addition to intricate and addicting gameplay (in typical 4X fashion), the game also runs at least partially on Rule of Funny, giving it a very different tone than others of its genre. Wonder: If a civilization manages to build five large supercomputers they are able to actuality predict all possible actions done by other civilizations and move to stop them before they even think of doing it.Score: if no one managed to win with one of the previous victory conditions, the player with the highest score wins when the turn limit is reached.Supremacy: the first player to own all the original players’ homeworlds will win.

Endless space 2 wiki support modules